Chapter Forty-One: My Guide on the First Week of College

Phew! I made it! I am officially done with my first week of college classes.
I've been surprised in a lot of different ways, and I think that it's important I share this with you. Many of you are probably out of college and have no interest in going back (I'm looking at you, Christenberry), but I have a lot of friends who will be in the same boat this time next year. Take my advice with a grain of salt, however, because your experience will be different than mine. You may not choose the same university (Though Texas Tech is really worth looking into!), the same major, the same degree plan, or the same location...there are a lot of factors here.
Anyway, without further ado, here is my Survival Guide!

The official cover for my guide...Coming this spring.

  1. Map out your schedule - High school is easier because you go to the same classroom everyday. In college, you'll probably only go to a class twice or three times a week...your class might even change location at some point! Because of this, mapping out your classes is super important. When you move in, take time to walk/bike/skate/dance around to get an idea where some buildings are on campus. 
  2. Come to class early - Especially the first day of class. If you get lost, that is totally understandable, but do your absolute best to come early. Don't come 30 minutes early like I did the first day (Haha), but 5-10 minutes early is good. 
  3. Come to class prepared - The first day of class is pretty easy; usually the professor just runs through the syllabus. I still recommend you come prepared as if you were going to take notes, though. For example, in psychology, we went over the syllabus and got let out early the first day, where as in statistics, we went over the syllabus and went through as much of chapter one as we could in the class. 
  4. Write down due dates - Seriously. Write them down. Get a planner or calendar (or both, like me) and WRITE THE DUE DATES DOWN. It is a blessing you are receiving due dates/exam dates so early in the semester, so be sure you take advantage of it! 
  5. Just do the homework - Don't procrastinate. You don't have time to procrastinate. Your professor will not tell you to do it either...he will give you due dates, and then it is up to you to decide your own schedule. So, if you don't listen to anything I say, listen to this: Use your time wisely. Study in the morning, study before class, study after class...take advantage of your time
  6. Have an open mind - You will be surrounded by many different people...this means different beliefs, ideas, and opinions. Though you may not agree with everyone on everything, do not let that keep you from learning or making friends. All of my professors made a point to say that they will say things I will not agree with...but that's life, and it's important for us to broaden our perspective of the world. 
  7. Meet new people - Do not hesitate to introduce yourself to other students...they are probably new and friend-less, too! And if you forget their name 30 seconds after they say it, that's okay, because they probably forgot your name, too
  8. Have fun - "What?!" You exclaim, "But you just said I didn't have time to not work!" Well, maybe I exaggerated a little bit...but seriously, have a little fun. Whether that means watching a movie, going for a midnight food run with your roommate(s), going to a football game... Whatever it may be, make sure you make time for it. Having fun is so important, and what you do when you're not studying really will make college memorable (and enjoyable!). Besides, if you don't have fun every once and awhile, you will go'll want to get a Ph.D. if you're not too careful!
The struggle is so, so real.

As much as I love college, I had the unexpected opportunity to visit home this weekend. Thanks to my cousin-in-law's aunt, Lynniece (I met her a few weeks ago, as described in chapter thirty-six) and her husband, Jim, I got a ride to and from home to see my folks. 
It was only two weeks ago when we had our tearful goodbyes, but it feels like I've been away for so much longer....
About a week ago, my mom had surgery on her she is walking around (I'm not even sure she should be doing that...) with a boot on her poor, swollen foot. Because of this, my mom's best friend, Sharon, is staying at the house with my parents for awhile, to help my mom. I know my mom appreciates this more than ever...but I believe Dad and I are happy for them, too. After all, who wouldn't want to see their best friend?! Besides, she is so fun to hang around with, so it made this weekend that much more interesting.
Anyway, my timing couldn't have been more perfect because this weekend was my niece's birthday party! Turning three looks like a whole lot of fun...I should try it! 

Happy Birthday to You....

I headed back "home" today, to my dorm. I keep finding myself calling my dorm "home", but, really, it is my home right now. And I love it. It's good to be back home with my roommates. :) 

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