Chapter Forty-Three: Misadventures Galore

Sometimes I just like to sit back and think about everything. All of my lows, all of my highs, how I got here and where I'll go...
It's so strange to me that months ago the idea of college was such a fantasy. I often remember my times in high school and how much I prepared for this, like AP classes, taking the SAT/ACT, and it honestly feels like I did all of that so long ago. I still can't believe I am here!
I can't believe that I walk into these beautiful buildings everyday and am actually beginning to start my journey to the rest of my life. I am humbled everyday by this campus.

I've been busy, busy, busy! Last Friday Mary and I had the room to ourselves, so we hosted a movie night for some of our neighbors! We watched Chronicle and Catch Me If You Can and dined on ice cream. It was a lot of fun and a nice opportunity to show off just how awesome our room is. 

Vote Mary and I for best Movie Night Hosts

The weekend was spent on catching up on sleep. I've never slept 13 hours in one night, but now I can say I have. 

Oh! Another thing about college: getting mail is pretty much the best thing ever. I totally forgot to mention this last time, but when I visited home, my cousins, Kris and Russ, gave me my care package in person. All I have to say is that I'm not the only one enjoying the gifts... (Thank you Russ and Kris!)

I can happily say I have used the slippers everyday

I've also gotten mail from my parents, aunt and grandmother...the mail always makes my heart smile. And my wall is looking good! 

Hooray for tape

I believe Mary, Bailey, and I have a personal mission to try every food place on campus. We haven't outright said this, but I just have a feeling. We walked across campus to try a newer food joint, and were very impressed. Not only was it good, but it was cheap!! However, after eating, Bailey had to go to a meeting and Mary and I had to find our way back to the dorm. This might be an understatement, but we are still freshman and really don't know the campus too well yet. I wouldn't say we got lost, but we definitely walked all the way around campus. 

Wait! We have to take a selfie!

On Tuesday, Mary and I returned to Women of Faith to find out our small faith groups. We were split into random groups and were sent on a scavenger hunt. St. Elizabeth, the statue, had our last clue. We were told to return to our initial location, and then we unwrapped our "presents" to find out what group we were in! 

Our present was the pink one!

We unwrapped it and ta-daa! I'm in the Love group! All year we are going to focus on our ability to love family, friends, strangers, and most importantly, God. I know God put me here for a reason, so I can't wait what He has planned for me! 
We returned to our dorm pretty late, and we all had a lot of homework. I knew that at some point in my college career I was going to have to stay up late to finish up work, but I didn't know it was going to be so soon! Mary, Bailey and I set up our study areas and went to work. 
Around midnight, we decided it was time for a break, so we walked over to Sneed (a residence hall across the street with crazy late hours) and each picked a pint of ice cream (which was harder than we thought it would be!).

This is harder than choosing a major...

We returned to our dorms and kept working. When it was all said and done, Bailey and I probably got to bed around 3:30 AM. I have never stayed up that late to study in my life. But I wasn't too stressed about it because I knew I wouldn't have to wake up too early the next morning. One of the many things I do not miss about high school! 
Anyway, despite that, college has been everything I could ever want. I definitely miss my family, best friends, and Luke, but I know I am where I am supposed to be. And it feels good! 

P.S. Bikes are popular here, but it is really obvious when someone doesn't use their bikes...


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