Chapter Forty-Four: FOOTBALL

Confession time: I, Sarah, have never, ever been to a football game. Ever. 
Now, I have worked at a football game...ironically it was Texas Tech versus Baylor. However, working at a game does not, in my opinion, count as going to the game. 
So, I am happy to say that today was my very first football game!!
Now, to be honest, I wasn't sure if I was really going to enjoy myself. Not only do I know nothing about football (seriously, I didn't even know what a quarterback was before today) but the weather has been a little...wet lately. 

Football? Or swim meet?

People had warned me that when it rains here, it floods. But rain doesn't normally happen here, so I wasn't too worried. Well then it rained a lot and I stepped through 5 more puddles than necessary and decided that I didn't want to wait until spring to get my rain boots. Now I have rain boots and puddles are no longer a problem!! (Unless the river has a current stronger than a river...)

Bailey and I walking to class in the rain!

It's also been a little chilly, so I had to break out my sweaters and coat a little earlier than I had anticipated. I'm just glad Mom sent me my sweaters!! (THANKS MOM!!) 
This weekend we were up against University of Arkansas. Mary's family came into town to watch the game and they were nice enough to offer me a seat with them!! 

Mary and I...selfie with the field!!

The view was great (especially when taller people were not in front of me..) and Mary did her best to teach me Football 101. I think I did pretty well for my first game. I yelled a lot, cheered a lot, asked a lot of questions ("Was that a good thing that just happened?", "Wait we switched goals?", "1st down?? Down what??"), and overall just had a good time!

Goin' Band!

Band spelling out "Tech" :)

Color Guard...Bailey tossed her flag really well! 

Raider Red roasting some Arkansas pig! 

Unfortunately, we lost this game. Despite that, I still had a lot of fun! In the end, I was so exhausted. We headed back to the dorm and I just crashed. I'm sunburned, have a little bit of a hoarse voice, and am tired beyond belief...and I can't wait to do it again!
I'll never forget when I first saw our mascot, the Masked Rider, ride out of the smoke onto the field. My heart really skipped a best when she rode out. I'm really glad to be here...and I'm proud to be a Red Raider! Guns up!

The Masked Rider!


5th Period Debate Asks: "How do you maintain so much positivity? And how does your relationship differ/work now that you're at Texas Tech (which by the way I'm glad you're enjoying)?"
Answer: I remain positive because I constantly remind myself how blessed I am to be here. Besides, college is so much fun, it's hard NOT to be positive! :)
As for my relationship, I don't think much has changed. We do our best to call often, but are understanding to one another when we are busy with homework or other activities. But we do our best, and that's what counts! 

Luke and I when I visited a couple weeks ago! 

Got a burning question? Drop it off in the blank text box in the right margin! 


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