Chapter Forty-Six: Lubbock Rapids

Life has been pretty interesting these last couple of days.
A couple of days ago, Bailey, Mary, and I decided to go out and try Noodles & Company. It's been tempting me ever since I got here since it is just across the street. We tried it out (enjoyed it!) and walked down the street to have a sweet froyo dessert.

"Walking-To-Get-Yogurt Selfie!"

Frozen Yogurt!!

The weekend came and went, and Mary and I had the dorm to ourselves. Did we party? No. We stayed in and cleaned. Yes, cleaned. I'm not saying our dorm is filthy, but when four people live in a small space, it gets a little messy. 
Monday was normal as usual. Well, sort of. Bailey and I decided to walk to class together. I didn't make it far, though, because I tried to wear my slippers to class. I must really like them. Or I'm just tired. 

At least they're cute!

In the afternoon, we had our LCG (Learning Community Group) again, and, of course, had to take a selfie. This is definitely becoming a tradition of ours. 

But first...let me take a selfie!

This week in LCG we really focused on resumes and cover letters. Next week we have to compose a mock resume/cover letter as if we were applying for a scholarship or job on campus. I am totally appreciating this class because I did not learn a lot of these essential tips and tricks in high school...I learned this through my parents. That's cool and all, but I'm pretty lucky my parents took the time to do this for me. I know not everyone is as fortunate..
After LCG Mary and I made the commitment to run. We have not been making the healthiest of choices, so we needed to do SOMETHING. I could barely survive after running for 2 seconds, where as Mary could sprint like no other. I called it quits way before Mary was beginning to sweat. She went out to play basketball after that, but we were both pretty worn out afterwards. 

*heavy breathing*

Anyway, enough about that. Let's talk about the weather. Smooth, right? But seriously, the weather here has been insane!! 
If you don't know, Lubbock is (usually) pretty dry. Lately, however, Lubbock has been looking a lot like Houston (which is rainy, rainy, rainy). Today was the worst of all the rain storms I've experienced here. 
So, it was a normal day. The sun was out, the sky was was the perfect day to go on a grocery run...or so we thought. First we went to Dollar Tree because, well, everything's $1 and who doesn't love that? We got a bunch of fun things, like coloring books, crayons (I'm a child), and I even got a cute little sunflower that will dance when the sun is shining!! 

Happy, Happy Sunflower!

The only reason I bought it is because I saw it dancing in the window and knew I needed that kind of happiness in my life. But just to put this in perspective, it was dancing when we got out of the store. It was a little cloudy and some sprinkles were coming down, but we had to go to Walmart for ink and other essentials. We easily got there and began our second shopping expedition. 
Well, we began hearing some pretty violent thunder. There are no windows in Walmart so we had no idea what we were about to come face to face with. We walked outside and it was 7:00 PM. (Pssst. That isn't normal!) 
The rain came pouring down. We ran to the car began our journey home. Normally, from Walmart, we would get back to campus in about 5-6 minutes. This time around? 45 minutes. FORTY-FIVE. 
The roads were completely flooded. I know this is hard to visualize, so while I was gripping the seat until my knuckles turned white in terror, I snapped a few pictures:

Scared at the Wheel...TURN AROUND

One of many stalled cars in the streets

Even the trucks became boats!

Thankfully, we live in a world where social media is everything, so I also have some fun photos others took, too! 


Poor Charger

Highway?? I spy a black sinking car

Is this even real??


If you can't tell, it is a little flooded here (and still raining!!). We ended up parking in a different parking lot, simply because we knew Bailey's car wouldn't be able to swim through much more. We grabbed our groceries, put on our big girl pants (not waterproof), and decided to swim to our dorm. 
It wasn't too bad, but the water was sooo cold and some currents were pretty strong. It was a little scary (I'm afraid of about that here), but we made it back safe and sound, and that's what matters.


The river (street) we had to cross. (We crossed a lot of them!!)

Like I said, I'm glad we made it back home safe and sound. We were a little wet, but at least we had dry clothes to look forward to. 
Hope you all are staying dry! Stay safe. 


iFly Asks: "Who is the guy in the picture?"
Answer: Well, if it's this guy:

Then it's probably Luke - my boyfriend! :)

Got a burning question? Drop it off in the blank text box in the right margin!


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