Chapter Fifty-Five: Busy Bee (Hoping for A's!)

If you've been wondering where I've been for the last couple of days, blame college! This is the only excuse I can use, since I came to college for school...right? 
Well, I totally skipped blogging about the game a couple weeks ago. It was probably one of the most anticipated games of the season...Texas Tech University vs. University of Texas! 
I recently downloaded the app Yik Yak, which is an app where people in your area can post messages anonymously. Anyway, the entire week leading up to the game was just full of smack talk. I would open this app and be bombarded with constant jabs at UT. It was awesome. 
Mary, Jenny, and I all headed to the stadium with our neighbors down the hall. It was a late game (6:30 pm), but we knew it was going to get packed in the student section pretty quick! We left a whole two hours early. Once we got there, we figured we could have waited a little longer...but those two hours really flew by! 

Mary, Me, Justin, Victor, Alex, and Jenny

You can say we were a little disappointed about the end result...not that a win was expected. Honestly, Texas Tech has not done too well this year! Oh well, LONG LIVE THE MATADORS! Besides, sitting in the student section was definitely...interesting. Some of the phrases that were made up are quite *ahem* vulgar. It was definitely an adventure!! 
Last week flew by quicker than I can type. I honestly don't remember anything significant happening...except for Friday! Mary's architecture class went as a group to the First Friday Art Trail in the Cultural District in Lubbock. We mainly went because Mary's architecture professor actually designed a lot of the buildings in that area, but it was fun to look at the art, too. Besides, it was apparently the night ballerinas were featured, because everyone got a free tutu! 

"You get a tutu; you get a tutu...everyone gets tutus!" - Oprah

In one of the buildings, anyone who was willing had to opportunity to draw the ballerinas that were actually practicing right there! I didn't draw one myself, but it was so fun to see everyone's different perceptions of the graceful dancers. 

The weekend, like any weekend, was full of homework and studying. I had actually come down with a slight cold, so a quick trip to Walmart was all my body needed. Soup, tissues, cough drops, and Mucinex. While I was there, I took advantage of the low prices and stocked up on some scarves and gloves! 

White Infinity Scarf, Zebra Infinity Scarf, Red Infinity Scarf, and iPhone Friendly Bow Gloves

Luckily, I only had a few bad nights with my stuffy nose. I'm pretty much over it, but the sudden cold front isn't helping! Lubbock went through an intense temperature change. On Monday, it was sunny and in the 80's. Tuesday? Below freezing with high officially felt like 7 degrees! Thank goodness I followed my gut and got those scarves and gloves! 

Who upset Elsa?

Here I come, Lubbock!

It wasn't too bad today (it was in the 40's...), but when the wind blows it really cuts right through you. I never really dressed warmly before because I spent 8 hours in one building all day. Here at Texas Tech, however, classes are in different buildings and require quite a hike. 3 layered outfits are my new best friend. 
Tonight, Bailey and I went to Lubbock's Clay Cafe Pottery Studio, on behalf of her sorority's (Sigma Phi Lambda) fun, open gathering. It's a small shop that offers an array of clay mugs, bowls, plates, figurines (and more!) to design and paint. I made my best friends' Christmas gifts and made my own bowl! I will pick it up in about two weeks, once it's done being fired up in the kiln! Check out what I made...I'll take pictures when I get to bring it home, so we can all see the transformation!

Let's get Creative!

Honestly, I really enjoyed my time. I've recently been very stressed because of my cold, exams, homework, and major changes. Taking time away from school is pretty hard when you live at school! However, going out and letting my creativity flow and my stress subside was so nice. I really, really hope I can do this again! 
So, I suppose the moral of the story is that it's important to take time for yourself. Even if you are in the study room....

Drawing by Mary, Script by Yours Truly. <3


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