Chapter Fifty-Three: Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! It's yours truly, Sarah, blogging on Halloween night. Sigh. Where did the time go? I remember dressing up as Tigger and getting loads of candy that was never eaten..
Oh well...Blogging is what I love!
So, let's get started!

This past weekend was full of sleep...and lots of it. I think I broke my record and slept well over 14 hours. College really screws up your schedules...eating, sleeping...all of it.
Anyway, Monday was, well, Monday. Lately I've been craving Disney movies like no other; particularly The Princess and The Frog, Sleeping Beauty, and Peter Pan. Well, one of the cool things about the Texas Tech library (other than the multitude of resources, of course) is the multimedia center. AKA, movies. Disney movies. So guess what I did???? I checked them out!

Brought to you by the Texas Tech library

I wanted to wait until the weekend....but I'm just a tall 7 year old and watched The Princess and The Frog and Sleeping Beauty that day. Yes I had homework to do. Yes I could have blogged. But...Disney gave me happiness and that really matters! 
Tuesday was more interesting. Women of Faith and Righteous Dudes combined forces to paint baby pumpkins to donate to the local children's hospital. It was so fun for all four of us, and for a great cause. 

Mary, Fr. Orlando, and Jenny

Us and our pumpkins!

Our pumpkins in front of many others

Everyone who helped out!!

We had to leave early, though, because we had to be back in time for the Door Decorating Contest! It looked awesome! We had scary music with it and everything! 

Our ever-impressive door!

Proud Parents

Our room mascot, Steve the Skeleton

Unfortunately, our door was...disqualified. Yes, you read that right. Disqualified
Apparently, we are are supposed to have 1/3 of the door uncovered, so it's not a fire hazard. (Personally, I think the wooden door would burst into flame covered or not, but I don't make the rules around here...) You can say we were a little bitter. 
Nonetheless, our door looked great for the event happening the next night, Tech or Treat! Tech or Treat is an event where local children have the opportunity to safely trick or treat and participate in fun activities! It was so fun to see the cute kids in costume and put a sweet smile on their faces with our candy. And we had a good time dressing up, too. 

Jenny, the Cupcake Baker

Mary the Spirited Hogwarts Student

Bailey the Cute Cook

Sarah the Puggy Pug

As great as our door looked, the webbing was quite annoying to deal with every day (We've had it up for a month)....unfortunately, it was a lot harder to take down than put up....

Caught in the Webs of Lies and Deceit

Throughout the week, I had several advising appointments. I told my Pre-Professional advisor I was considering changing my major from Pre-Pharmacy to....Multidisciplinary Studies! Don't bother Googling it, I'll tell's within the College of Education. 
Yeah, I'm surprised, too.  
Lately, I've been going through what many call a "mid-freshman crisis." This is completely normal for freshman, since college is full of new people, ideas, majors, freedom... I've been growing closer and closer to God everyday and am learning to do something very important: listen. And right now, I feel called towards education. We will see!    
Today, my roommates and I didn't do anything too special. We went to Starbucks, since grande frappuccinos were $3 after 2PM today. We had Raising Cane's for dinner, and then headed back to our dorm. We stayed in, put our mattresses in the common room, and had a fun movie night. Just us girls. Talk about a fun Halloween!


Fun. Fun. Fun.

This week was so fun! I'm feeling more at peace with my major change...and better in general because Thanksgiving is almost here! I can't wait to come home! 
That's all for now...I think I'll dedicate a blog post just about my major change, just so we can be on the same page (and I can get some of this off of my chest). 
Anyway...I hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween!

Got a burning question? Drop it off in the blank text box the right margin! 


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