Chapter Thirty-Eight: My First Normal Day

Today has been really nice. It was boring, and I'm grateful for that.
I woke up around 9, took a shower, and headed over to the Student Union Building (the SUB) for one of the events scheduled for "Raider Welcome" (The first two weeks of school are packed-full of events to help us meet new people for free!). Today I decorated a piggy bank!! It's so, so cute and perfect for my desk. I have saved up $0.02 so far, so I think I'm doing good so far!

"FEED ME," said the piggy.

The day continued to be normal. I finished my chemistry work (I'm taking a 10 day chemistry bridge course to help prep me for Chemistry 1307, in case you didn't know) and mapped out all of my classes on a map. I then rode around campus on my bike and took pictures of all the buildings I'll be learning in next week. 

(From left to right, top to bottom: English/Philosophy Building (Critical Writing and Psychology), Holden Hall (Chemistry), Chemistry Building (Chemistry lab), Media and Communications Building (Statistics).

I found out that my Healthcare Seminar will be held in a room in the University Hospital (Wicked, cool!!!), so I didn't bike all the way over there. Maybe another day. 
I think what I really love about my campus is the architecture. It is so beautiful and inspiring. The architecture MAKES me want to study here. Oh, I just love it so much. 
Later in the day, my suitemates and a couple of friends all ate dinner in our residence dining area. It was fun and tempting. (The dessert offered here is so, so, so good. Ugh.)  
When we returned to our dorm, I went in my room and saw an ant crawling on my bed. I smacked it, and wasn't too disturbed because I have seen one here and there...but then I saw another one.
And another one.
And another one. 
Soon I was yelling in frustration and smacking anything that moved.
I've had a pretty good attitude about everything that has been happening lately, but this was not okay. 
I. Hate. Bugs. 
Since I hate them so much, I know how to destroy and conquer with these enemies. I noticed after I smacked a few that they all began running towards the windows. I pulled back the curtains and lifted the blinds and saw them squeezing through a small crack at the bottom of my window. It had been open this whole time!! I closed it, tightly, and sprayed glass cleaner all over the windows and creases. Bugs and Ammonia don't mix....Science! 
This little thing wasn't too bad. I think I just made a big deal about it because it involved bugs. Ugh. 


Anyway, the Barnes & Noble on campus was hosting a fun night full of freebies and music (plus a goodie bag for the first 2,000 people inside!), so of course I had to go!! At about 9:30 PM, Bailey and I rode our bikes over there and joined the pack of students waiting for goodies. 

Crowds upon crowds upon crowds

When the doors finally opened, we scooted our way towards the front (Bailey is good at weaving through crowds) and got our very own goodie bag. This was full of coupons, granola, coke can, energy drink, etc. etc. This is the second time I've received some sort of energy drink free, and it's making me nervous... 
Anyway, the music was great, the freebies were cool, and it was once again a fun night! I even got a free chick-fila cow! :) 


I also got my nails done for free! Of course I screwed up my nails within five minutes, but they were free so I didn't mind too much. The salon there offered to trim my bangs for free, but the last thing I need is a terrible bowl cut right before my first classes start! I'll trim my own bangs for now. 
Overall, today was a great day! I'm having so much fun...and it's only the beginning! 


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