Chapter Thirty-Nine: First Day of School

For all students here at my school (and many other schools across the country) it was the first day of school.
Usually, on first days, I'm an emotional wreck. I'm excited, nervous, scared... I was totally stoked for my first day of junior high, while on the other hand, I cried my entire first week of high school. So, honestly, I didn't know what to expect for my first day of college.
Today I had two classes and one meeting. This was so weird because all my life I had been going to school for 7-8 hours a day. Now I only had to go to school for 3 hours...what?? I was also used to going to school at 8:45 AM everyday. Now my first class was at 10:00 AM. Once again....what????

What I will be doing for the rest of the semester

I biked over to the English and Philosophy building and found myself a good 30 minutes early. Call it freshmen anxiety, because about every other person was this early, too. Once 10:00 rolled around, all 40 of us crammed into the small classroom. It was pretty awkward at first, because none of us really knew how to act in a college class. Do you sit and wait for the professor to begin class? Do you talk to your neighbor? Do you stand on your desk and juggle your binders? Who knows. So we just sat there. Thankfully, our professor (a student who is currently getting her PhD) was aware of this and had us do a couple of ice-breakers. Ask me in about a month or two if I have all 40 of my classmates' names memorized. 

There's Angela, Kevin, Julie, Tim, John, Lacy...

After Psychology, I had two hours to myself for lunch. This was completely new to me because I had always had 30 minute lunches. I honestly didn't know what to do with myself with so much time on my hands. I met with Mary, my roommate, for lunch. We waited in a line with many other hungry students and managed to find an abandoned table so we could refuel for our next class. 
My next class was Statistics, at 1:00 PM. I was, once again, pretty early...but I wasn't alone. When 1:00 came around, we all piled into the large auditorium...I didn't count, but there were well over 100 students in the classroom. I was so afraid of these large classrooms, but honestly, it wasn't too bad. I sat near the front, so I could hear/see well, and wasn't intimidated at all. A girl came and sat next to me and we talked a little before the professor started class. Turns out she is studying the same thing that I am!! I grabbed her number before class let out, and I think I have found a good study partner for stats...and potentially other classes, too! 
I had another two hours until my next LCG meeting. Since I am in the Honors College, we get a special opportunity to be a part of LCG (Learning Community Groups) to help us adjust to college life. These meetings will teach us how to make resumes, get involved, write essays...basically a College 101 class. I'm really excited about these meetings, and can't wait to see what all I will learn! Bailey, Mary and I all had our meetings in the same building, so we all walked to class together. 

Don't we look cute!

After our meetings, Mary, Bailey and I all had dinner together. (Praying I don't get the Freshman 15...but those cookies are so, so good...) We came back to the dorm and I had some mail from Mom and Dad!! Getting mail is so, so nice...I taped it to my wall so I can always be reminded of how much I love my family. :) 

I feel so loved! :)

I couldn't have asked for a better first day. I am really enjoying the sense of freedom I have here, and I am excited to learn! I am so blessed to be here at the school of my dreams...I am so grateful. 

Got a burning question? Ask it by using my app, which is located in the right margin.

***Hey guys, 
This is really hard for me to type, but a young man I have gone to school with for years recently passed away. He was going to go to Texas Tech with me. I was not very close to him, but many of my friends were. I ask that you pray for him, his family, and his friends in this tough time.  If you can, please make a donation here...All I can say is that I know Tech will not be the same without him. 
Be careful out there, and watch out for each other. 


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