Chapter Thirty-Seven: This Girl is on Fire!

Last night I went to "Target Back to College Shopping Event," which is a fun deal run by Target employees and Texas Tech students. I have never participated in any sort of shopping event, but I have to say that this event runs along the lines of Black Friday madness. You can read about what all these events involve here. Who knows, maybe your school is doing an event at your local Target! Check it out! <- Watch the vine I took here

Bailey and I shared a cart and grabbed things we knew we needed/wanted. I splurged and bought an Ottoman (It was only $13!!), a bag of apples, peanut butter and jelly, and some Lunchables. (Hopefully I will get my fridge soon so I can stop using up space in Bailey's fridge!) Target was not just full of things to buy, though. There were fun games and activities scattered throughout the store. 

Bailey and I...sponsored by Maybelline mascara!

After we checked out, we were handed a small bag full of free goodies like facial wipes, coupons, shaving cream, razors (thank goodness, because I left mine at home. Ugh.), laundry detergent, and so on. Overall, I had a lot of fun with my suitemate and got a couple of cool things on the way. 
We returned to our dorm around 12:30 AM. I knew that I didn't have any plans tomorrow, so I was free to sleep in the next morning. 

My bed...soo comfy!

I woke up around 9 AM (Which is pretty late for me)...but something wasn't right. A bright light was flashing in my bathroom. I sat up and heard a distant alarm, followed by an automated voice saying, 
"Attention. A fire has been reported in the building. Although this is currently being investigated, please exit the building immediately."
Uh, what?? 
I honestly had no idea how long this alarm was going off before I heard it, so I jumped out of bed, slipped on some shoes, grabbed my I.D. card and keys, and fast-walked out of the building. I guess I woke up pretty quick because I was one of the first ones outside. I had forgotten my phone, so while everyone was tweeting about the fire alarm or whatever, I stood, shivering in my short pajama shorts, and talked to my RA and a couple of my neighbors. This isn't quite how I imagined meeting people here, but whatever works! 
However, while talking to the RA, I found out that apparently fire alarms in Gordon happen quite often. ...Great. She recommended I always keep in mind the weather, and bring a coat with me when this happens in the winter! 

"Oh, great. It's Gordon again."

After the Fire Department checked out the building and everything, we were released back into our hall. After a quick shower, I began what I had been wanting to do ever since I got here: CLEAN! I cleaned my windows, window sills, sink, underneath the sink, the mirror, the floor, the toilet, and I made my bed... Now my shower head is soaking in vinegar (It has some gross green stuff on it). I sprayed the room with about a fourth of my Febreze bottle, and now my room smells like heaven. Not only does it look better, but I feel better, too! 
Anyway, after I cleaned some, I went and checked my mailbox with Bailey (she returned from color guard practice to have lunch) and I got some mail!! (Thank you Aunt Terry and Granny!) It made my heart feel all fuzzy and happy to see mail in my box. 

Cute kitty on my card :)

I then went to go eat in the dining area in my residence hall for the first time. It was kind of intimidating because it was just like that moment in Mean Girls when Cady turns around after getting her food and has no place to sit. 


I spotted someone sitting alone and decided to ask if I could sit with them. I haven't made new friends in awhile, so I think I'm learning that it's a matter of being brave. I'm glad I did in this case because I had a good conversation over lunch with a new face!
After lunch I hung around in my dorm for awhile, listening to my neighbors playing piano. I kind of like how close all of our doors are, and how a lot of us like to keep our doors open. It makes the whole "being friends with your neighbor" thing a reality. 
However, of course, I can never have a moment of boring. 
The fire alarm went off. 
I was, once again, one of the first people out, and met some more folks in my residence hall. Once again, not how I imagined meeting people, but whatever works! 

"Gordon again?? Seriously?!? We were just there!"

I ended the day by trying out my bike and riding around campus for a little bit. I learned two things from this: 
  1. I should do this with a map so I can get a layout of the campus in my mind
  2. I should do this with my schedule so I can know where I should be next week for classes
  3. I need more exercise 
It's only eight at night and I'm already exhausted. However, I am really enjoying myself, despite all of these circumstances. I am planning on going to bed early tonight. Of course, I have said that for the past couple of nights, so we will see how that works out... 



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