Chapter Forty: I Love College....So Far

Today was my third day of classes, and I am so, so busy. I am overwhelmed by just ORGANIZING all of the due dates I've been given for every class.
Yesterday, my first class was at 2:00 pm, so I slept in until about 10:00 am. That felt sooo nice. (Haha, in your face, high schoolers!) I went off to my class, Introduction to Critical Writing, in the afternoon. This is an Honors course, so there are only about 14 students in that class. That's smaller than any class I have been in...ever! The professor was so cool and chill. I can already tell that all the worrying I did about this class was about nothing.

My cute binder covers!

I then went to my Healthcare Seminar. I've been excited for that for so long, and honestly....I don't know if I will like it. 
Hear me out. 
I know I'm totally interested in the health field, but I've already decided that I am not into blood and guts at all. This is why I am really interested in a career in pharmacy or optometry. I was excited about this class because it is basically just different professionals (Nurses, Pharmacists, Occupational Therapist, etc.) coming in and talking about their profession. This is way cool because, yes, I'm interested in two major careers, but I might find something in this class that interests me even more! 
Well the more we talked about the schedule for the class, the more I realized how...medical this class is.
Our professor talked about how we will be using the SimLife center quite often within the hospital, which is basically where med students train on smart mannequins before they deal with real people. When I say smart mannequins, I mean SMART mannequins. These mannequins breathe, have a pulse, blink, talk, cry, seize, bleed...the list goes on. I know that mannequins are not real people, but just being in the same room with something that...realistic made me very uncomfortable. Pretty much everyone else in the class was completely amazed, and, to a degree, I was too. I found the robotics behind the mannequins interesting. But the idea of hooking an IV up to one? Nope. 

A normal mannequin on the left, and Harvey, the cardio-specialized mannequin on the right

We were then told that later in the semester we may tour the Gross Anatomy Lab. This sounds super cool at first, but this includes cadavers. Don't want to Google that word? It's a corpse. A dead person. 
Okay, so this is where I get weird. The idea of going to look at cadavers is terrifying. The thought itself makes me feel queasy and clammy. I am definitely not doing that. 
But here's the weird thing. 
I have seen an exhibit called Bodies: The Exhibition multiple times...which is a display of real human bodies. This didn't freak me out at all, in fact, I want to see it again whenever possible. So why is the thought of cadavers so different? A corpse is a corpse. 
I'm not sure what the psychological reason is...but I don't want to test my limits. I would rather not be the one person to faint in the Gross Anatomy Lab. Luckily, I can get out of the tour, but I still am taking the class. So....wish me luck! 

Today was similar to Monday except that today was my first chemistry class. I already love my professor. Seriously. He is awesome. This class is completely new: a hybrid course. It's the first of it's kind. We only meet once a week, and most of the learning happens online. I am excited about this course and think I will do well....we will see! 

Me in the future....because chemistry

In other news, my roommate, Mary, moved in last Friday. I completely forgot to blog about it...everything has been sooooo crazy! Anyway, she finally moved in and we are so happy! Have I mentioned how much I love living with these people?!? Granted, it is just the second week, but I really love not being lonely. That sounds so pathetic, but I really love being with these girls all the time. We have so much fun together! 

Us at the Wreck 'Em Rally! Sponsored by Coca-Cola

Anyway, since Mary has moved in, we got to decorate our room! We decided our theme is "personality," which basically means nothing matches, but it still looks cool! Check it out:

(Top Left) Our bunked beds, (Top Right) Mary's Desk, my fridge, bulletin board, (Bottom Left) Our closet doors, Mary's bean bag, art, (Bottom Right) My cabinet, Mary's poster.

I absolutely love our room. I love living here. I love the people, I love the campus, I love my classes....I love walking and biking around the campus and seeing everything. I love feeling the sunshine on me. I love the life here. I'm so glad I am here and I am so blessed. 
Now, when exams come up...ask me again how I feel. ;)

Got a burning question? Ask it through my app, which is located in the right margin. 



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