Chapter Eighteen: The Senior Class of 2014

As of yesterday, I am officially a high school graduate.


I just want to take a moment to extend my congratulations to all graduates...We did it! I don't think it has even fully sunk in yet that I will never, ever, enter my high school again as a student. And I won't be a senior again until I'm in my last year of college (and when I'm 55+).
I know I have already blogged about the nostalgia we all experienced on the last day of school, but I'm feeling very similar to how I was on June 4, 2014. Except this time, there is nothing to look forward to about high school. On June 4, we were all looking forward to graduation. Our countdowns we all had set on our phones, calendars, and clocks were so close! And now....what do we look forward to? College? Serving our Country? First Job? Third Job? Ten Year Reunion? Who knows. 

My friends and I tossing our hats at Baccalaureate. 

Now, around this time, I see a lot of negativity sprinkled throughout the happiness and tears of recent graduates. People say that high school is the easiest time of our lives. People say that graduating high school isn't a big accomplishment. Well I'm here to say that those people are wrong. Maybe, in their eyes, high school was easy in comparison to the trials of life, but I know I was not the only one who worked their butt off in school. Yes, some people easily drifted by, but I know for a fact that when grandmothers tear up seeing their grandbaby cross that stage because they never got the chance to do so themselves is something that deserves applause. 
In my family, graduation is expected, but despite this, I still received lots of support, hugs, thumbs up, and whispers of "congratulations." Because we did it. And that means something. 

Fifth Grade Graduation (2007) to now, High School Graduation (2014)

It's so crazy to think we have come this far in life to have graduated high school, but the time for living in the past is over. Now, more than ever, it's time to look to the future. We are no longer required by law to attend school, get a job, or make something of ourselves. It's all on us. It's time to grow up, Class of 2014, whether we want to or not. As Ms. Frizzle said in Magic School Bus, an educational cartoon of our childhood: "Take chances! Make mistakes! Get messy!" Just as our Salutatorian said in his speech at graduation, we must expect failure, but these failures are what make us learn and grow
I wish everyone the best of luck as we all journey into the world, going our separate ways. 
I leave you with this video Google put up about a week ago. It captures the feelings of joy and sadness and is just how we should be feeling right about now. This journey has been fun, Seniors. I can't wait to see what we do. 


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