Chapter Twelve: Family and Friends

I don't have a lot of energy to blog tonight, but I will put down a few paragraphs. At the end of my post, you can find the link to a video of my performance of "I See The Light" from the Disney Film, Tangled. (You can also read about my experience here.)
Anyway, last night was the Tennis Banquet. After school, I, along with many other generous seniors, helped decorate the small space and transformed the simple room into a wonderful setting. At about 4:30, my friends and I all traveled to Kimberly's (BFF) house to get ready for the banquet. Now, normally, I take a little over two hours to get ready. Two hours?! Yes, two hours. Only because I am terrible at staying focused on one thing, so when I say, "get ready," I really mean, "a little sprinkle of eyeliner and- OH LOOK HERE'S A POKEMON GAME I HAVEN'T PLAYED IN MONTHS."
Anyway, the banquet was set to start at 5:30, so we didn't have a lot of time, in my opinion, to get ready. But, honestly, I didn't mind, because banquets are meant to be a time to have fun, not to look good.

Being Silly with friends at the banquet.

Our coach did a superb job at creating a slideshow full of pictures of us at our best, worst, and, well, young. (Baby pictures rock!!) I think I speak for many when I say we appreciate him and his work very much. :)

*Justin Bieber voice* Swag, swag, swag, swag.

Anyway, my friends and I (Luke included, who wasn't in any of my pictures!) decided to ditch the banquet to go watch The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which most of us have already seen. Obviously it's a good movie, or I wouldn't have watched it again. Honestly though, the Amazing Spider-Man series, so far, has been excellent, and I really recommend the movies to everyone who enjoys a good superhero movie. Especially Marvel fans. Spider-Man is my favorite superhero, and I think Sony has done a superb job at creating the new series. 
Well, my friends, (Kimberly, Victoria, and Erin - The three others in the first photo) all wanted to go to the mall in their dresses. I, on the other hand, felt that, in order to enjoy the movie completely, one must be dressed in movie attire. To me that means pajamas, but, unfortunately, that's socially unacceptable. So, Luke and I traveled separately so we could both change into more comfortable clothing. We arrived a bit late to the movie time (Commercials were still rolling, so who cares?!) but the important part was we were comfortable. 
All in all, my Friday night was definitely, as the cool kids like to say, turnt up. The highlight of my evening was finally meeting the wonderful wife of one of my favorite teachers. They, along with their beautiful three children, are so, so wonderful, and will always be in my heart and prayers (and my Pinterest board!).

As much as I love parties and all, sometimes, just a night out with the people closest to your heart really is more enjoyable. For example, tonight was "Family Night," a time where my close family (Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-in-Law, Niece, Nephew, Cousin, Cousin (In-Law?), Aunt, and Grandmother) all gather to just spend some quality time together. To me, this is so much more valuable than a night out on the town. And I hope my readers would agree that family time is precious and should be highly valued. 
I hope everyone's weekend is as great or better than mine. Thank you for reading. :) 

Psst. Watch my performance, please. And read about my experience and everyone who was involved here!
First 4 minutes is me. Last 4 minutes is another performance.


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