Chapter Six: Late Teacher Appreciation

For those of you who didn't know, this past week was Teacher Appreciation Week.
Just in case you didn't believe me, I found this picture on the internet, therefore it's true. Ha!

I know most of us have that teacher we hate, but I know all of us have had a teacher that has really been a wonderful and inspiring person to us, whether it be a teacher from first grade or our second semester of senior year. 
So, I know this is a late request, especially since this week has already passed, but I am wanting you guys to write a thank you note, email, crop circle, whatever to your favorite teacher (or teachers!). I am blessed and have had many great teachers in my life, which is why I think I enjoy learning so much. Even if you write them a nice "thank you" after Teacher Appreciation week, I guarantee it will put a smile on their face. 

Anyway, I thought, with the holiday any all, I would share a cute story with one of my favorite teachers. So, imagine first grade me. If this is difficult, I have provided a picture. 

"I wanna be your fwiend..."

So, there I am. Easy to imagine now (especially since I have the same haircut!). So, anyway, my teacher in 2003 was the one and only Ms. Griffin. Whenever I was in Kindergarten, I was literally across the hall, and I could see Ms. Griffin everyday. 
Anyway, at Elliott Elementary, for those of us who did extremely well in class, (behavior/academics) we got a special privilege: A Self-Manager Badge. So, basically, (for students at my school) it's like the original Power Pass. Except the only reward I remember having with the Self-Manager Badge were little parties with lame snacks. 
Of course, me being the amazing child I am, I always had a Self-Manager Badge. The only problem I had as a child was No, I did not throw a million temper tantrums, I just cried. A lot. Ms. Griffin, God bless her soul, had to deal with this quite often. 

Is that a real smiley face?

And we all know that is still an issue.
Anyway, that issue aside, I was a pretty good kid. So I got to go to all of the fun parties. 
Except once.
It was the day of the party and I was sooooo excited. I don't remember if I had pre-senioritis that day or a bad attitude or what, but apparently I pushed Ms. Griffin too far. She took my badge away. That day! OF THE PARTY. And guess what Sarah did when she had her red badge taken away? TEARS. 

Real tears, guys.

And normally, after crying for about two hours, I'm all out of it. But not that day, oh no. The tears kept flowing. I literally flooded my classroom. They had to evacuate the school. Jokes on them, since the party got cancelled because of my tears. 
Okay, no that didn't happen. Maybe my first grade self hoped that would happen. 
I remember I couldn't even bear to look at my friends' red badges. (I was dramatic from day one). And I remember being in the nearly empty classroom after all the Self-Managers left for the party. And I kept crying. 
And then, in the midst of my despair, Ms. Griffin walked over to me and sat down in a little first grade chair. 
[Insert wise words that weren't important to me at that time]
"...Do you want to go to that party?" 
I raised my puffy eyes as she magically pulled my red badge out into view. My heart fluttered. 
"Conceal, don't feel," I thought to myself. So instead of puking from excitement, I shyly nodded. 
And ever so sweetly, she placed my badge in my hands. 
And I walked out of the classroom, bouncing on my heels, forever grateful for Ms. Griffin's generosity. 

  Herp Derp

So, once again guys, be appreciative of your teachers! They will appreciate your appreciation! ;)


  1. Awwww! I felt your pain. Glad you got to go to the party after all.


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