Chapter Ten: The P.D.'s

I know, I know, I've already written about choir. But I haven't blogged about the...P.D.'s.

The P.D.'s album cover, coming out this summer. (From left to right) Jazmine, Chris, Fernando, Austin, Brian, Phillip, and Selena the Latina. 

The P.D.'s is a group within the Contemporary Choir. Now, everyone in Contemporary choir is special, but these dudes (and dudettes) are pretty sick. I love being in Contemporary Choir, but it is a real struggle because the only talent I really have is the ability to sing. These kids are so talented! They can sing, play instruments (piano, guitar, cello, drums, bass, eggshakers), interpretive dance...the list goes on and on. 
Anyway, the whole reason I brought them up is because after the choir concert last night we had a little...after party. 
And by after party, I mean going to Chipotle. 
So, we all get in our separate cars because who cares about the environment anyway, and all drove out of the parking lot together. Jazmine first, then Jordan (accompanied by Ashley), then me, then Chris, then Austin, and then Fernando. Well, I was super excited because my dad was letting me stay out past ten, which is like a huge deal for my family (woo!). So, of course, I turned my music up and, for those of us who drive, we know music has quite an effect on us. So, feeling the adrenaline and rhythm, I began speeding....just a little bit. 
Well, we all were speeding. But not that much!
We were all in this like "Following the Leader" formation on the street, all followers to the P.D. leader Jazmine. When suddenly, I didn't see the lights of the cars behind me. 
I didn't think too much of it. I was thinking Austin and the gang went another way to the wondrous Chipolte. 
Well, suddenly, Jazmine pulls off to the side of a residential street, and Jordan and I cautiously follow. What's going on?
Jordan comes to my window. I slowly roll it down. 
Jordan: "Yeah....Austin got pulled over."

Weee-Woooo Weee-Woooooo

Me: "Oh my gosh!! For real?!"
Jordan glanced at her phone, staring at the message sent from Austin. "Yeah. Bet you it was for speeding."
I had no doubt it was for speeding...I was just a little surprised that none of us had gotten stopped. 
I pulled out my phone, knowing my father wanted me back home within an hour. 

Dang Flabbit, Austin.

Me: "Well, uh, I have to leave Chipotle by 10:00, so..." 
Jordan looks up at me with her bright, green eyes. "Okay, so we better go!" 
While Jordan went to go alert Jazmine of our plan to abandon Austin, I look over at my phone to see I had gotten a text from my father, of all people:

"Austin will be delayed. Cop pulled him over."

Haha! Sorry, Austin, but I laughed. 
Anyway, we finally managed to get to Chipolte, where Fernando, the speed racer he is, had been waiting on us. But, I didn't care. Chipotle is so, so, so, so, SO GOOD.  <-- Tiny Hamster eating Chipotle.

Well, while I was eating, Jordan gets a text from Austin:

"Hey this is Brian. Austin has been arrested for refusing to cooperate."

Of course, I am cursed with the trait of being completely gullible, so I shout, "OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" But then I realize that is so like Austin/Brian to do this, so we both said, "No. No. No he didn't. Pffffffft." 

Think of the children.

Of course, Austin and Brian walk in moments later. Unfortunately, Austin did, in fact, receive a ticket for speeding. And we lived happily, ever after. 




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