Chapter Sixty-Seven: Dat Ash

Last Wednesday, for many Christians worldwide, was the start of the season of Lent. Lent is a time of reflection and focusing on the relationship between humanity and Jesus Christ. This time of the Liturgical year holds a very special place in my heart for many reasons; one being that I was Baptized, Confirmed, and received First Communion on the Saturday before Easter almost three years ago. It's so hard to believe that I've been Catholic for nearly three years...but I've loved every minute of it.

Dat Ash

During Lent, it's traditional that someone "gives up" or sacrifices something while "taking on" or adopting new, healthier habits. This Lent season, I'm giving up all drink except for water and milk. My adoption is reading the entire New Testament. I found this easy, 40 day break down of the New Testament and highly recommend it to anyone who is interested in reading Scripture and learning more about Jesus Christ. 

Mark 10:13-16

Mary and I took a leap of faith and went on a retreat this weekend. This retreat was called Raider Awakening. Many students (from Texas Tech University, Abilene Christian University, Lubbock Christian University, and others) gathered this weekend to share a weekend full of Christ. We weren't told what to expect, except that it is fun and one of the best decisions to make in our college career. Mary and I actually tried to go last semester, but it just didn't work out. However, I really think we went on this retreat for a reason. 

My beautiful small group!

Now, I can't tell you all that we did, simply because I have a lot of readers I really want to experience this retreat fully. I can tell you this: It was so much fun! We listened to very interesting talks and had small groups. Oh, and you should go!
There are multiple Awakenings throughout the United States. Geared for college students, this retreat has been going on for years (in some areas more than others). I really recommend looking into your area to find Awakenings near you. Trust me, you will not regret it if you go. Whether you decide to go or not, I'll be praying for you! (Links for Awakenings throughout the country and state are at the bottom of this post) 

The weather has changed dramatically since last week. Last Friday was wonderful...70-80 degree weather, sunny...absolutely gorgeous! Everything changed with the cold front attacked. We went from a high of 81 to a high of 37 in two days. How crazy is that?? Snow and ice covered my campus (along with many others in the United States' cold front "vortex") which resulted in closings all over. Well, except here at Texas Tech. I come from a place where if we see one snowflake, school is cancelled, so having to walk through the snow to get to class is quite different than what I'm used to. I love school and all, but I still hope they decide to close school!! (They won't)

Administration Building, TTU

Mary and I had a couple of errands to run yesterday, and no snow was going to stop us (President Nellis believes this with all his heart, too). We had to go across campus to return the sleeping bags we rented from the Outdoor Pursuit Center at the Recreational Center, but we really didn't feel like walking. We decided to be adventurous and ride the bus! I've ridden the bus maybe twice since I've moved here, so I'm not very confident riding the public transportation available here. I have this terrible fear I'll get lost and be dropped off somewhere without any guidance. Despite our fears, Mary and I rode the bus, and it wasn't too bad! We kind of knew where we were going and kind of figured out what we were doing. We didn't get lost or abandoned! We also got our errands done faster and warmer than if we had walked.

[Rebecca Black Singing] "Fun. Fun. Fun. Fun."

Despite the cold, the work, and the homesickness, I am really enjoying my second semester of college. I can't believe we're almost through with the first third of the semester (I've gotten A's on all of my exams so far!!). I'm so excited for Spring Break, and, more importantly, Summer! This year is really speeding by... I wonder what else we will acomplish this semester?

Have any experience with the Awakening Retreat? Comment your story below (without sharing too much!)
Have a burning question? Drop it off in the blank text box in the right margin. 
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