Chapter Ninety-Two: Exhale

When we're angry or stressed, one of the methods to relieve these tensions is to inhale for 10 seconds, (1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10) and then exhale for 10 seconds (1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10).
This roughly takes less than 30 seconds, and yet, we rarely find time. Lately, I've been struggling with time. Granted, I just finished finals as well as my third semester of college, but sometimes, not doing what we love really makes a negative impact. I hope that in the future, I can find more time to sit down and write to the people I love. Maybe this should be my New Years Resolution?
Last I left off, it was just before Thanksgiving break. The weekend before I went home, some friends and I had a "Friendsgiving" which consisted of Disney movies, KFC, funnel cakes, and laughter. While we didn't cook a 4-course meal together, we had plenty of fun telling stories and making videos in slow-motion.

[Friendsgiving] from left to right: Nikki, Esther, Carolina, Sarah, Mary, Celia

To receive extra-credit in one of my biology classes, Mary and I traveled to the local museum. It was empty and very quiet (typical of a museum on Friday afternoons), but interesting (and fun). Trust me, if there is anything Mary and I can do, it's that we can make anything pretty enjoyable. The only downfall to the trip was that the observatory was closed, so we didn't get to do any star-searching. Bummer. Oh well, we had enough fun with mammoths and saber-tooth tigers.

Typical Us

I drove home on Wednesday and visited with my best friends, and, of course, hugged on my parents (and Jack). The next day, Thanksgiving Day, was full of family, friendship, and food. It was a wonderful day, and I really enjoyed spending time with everyone.


After everyone had left, I, for the first time in my life, watched football on Thanksgiving day. Texas Tech was playing University of Texas. Mom actually sat on the couch and watched with me (and actually got into it!). It was a really good game. I was a nervous wreck, screaming and biting my nails...but Texas Tech surely worked their buns off! It was definitely a great ending to a great day. 

The Thanksgiving break blurred by and, before I knew it, I was driving back to Lubbock to finish off my third semester of college. It really is crazy how fast time seems to fly by (and how slow it seems to crawl when I'm taking finals). However, in between the crazy nights of studying, cramming, and writing essays, we found time to admire some of the local holiday events. On December 2, we all attended Carol of Lights, a Texas Tech tradition that involves music and lighting the campus up with beautiful lights. 

Carol of Lights

Blurry Photography that's kind of pretty

We also visited various houses in the Lubbock area that go beyond just hanging lights. We found a cluster of three houses that sync their lights to music on a radio station. Very impressive and fun to watch!

All lit up


Luke and I stopped at a single house that really was impressive in both appearance and synchronization. They even synchronized to the Texas Tech Fanfare song!

All lit up

Luke felt like he was a part of the show

After the longest week and a half of my life, I finally returned home. Just in time too-I got to attend my cousin's graduation....he finally earned his PhD. It was so cool watching him, alongside other graduates, receive their "hood" from their mentors and walk across the stage. We are very proud of our new Dr.! 

Most of the family

Proud wife, son, graduate, and mentor

Other than that, I do not have much going on. I recently received an A+ on my 10 page essay about the Disney Princesses...You can say that I'm proud, but that would be an understatement. I really am ecstatic! It was fun writing about one of my favorite subjects of all time. Trust me, if I could major in Disney, I would. 

I am finished with half of my sophomore year of college already. It's hard to believe, but as I get deeper into my degree, I really am enjoying college more and more. Thank you for reading my blog and checking up on me truly means the world! I hope all of my fellow college students enjoyed their semester and did well on finals (Good luck to those still taking them!). Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go open a book and read...


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