Chapter One-Hundred-and-Twelve: The Eye of the Storm

Everyone knows how fall rarely begins when the calendars say so...especially in Texas. However, recently the temperatures have been dropping, the leaves have been changing, and my jackets have gotten more use. I'm even wearing a beanie right now (mostly to cover up my mess of hair)! Regardless, fall is upon us, which means the semester is nearing it's midpoint. Hard to believe, but the workload reminds me often.

Picking up where I left off in my post nearly a month ago, shortly after Daniel's departure, we had a celebration at hand! Eddie, Luke's roommate (and our friend from high school) had a birthday the following weekend. Eddie's parents actually came into town to spend time with him, but his friends had other plans. We surprised Eddie! Luke told him we were just watching movies at our house, and when Eddie arrived, he was greeted with a lit birthday cake and a chorus of shouts, "Surprise!!" Well, he was very surprised, and very happy. The cake was delicious, and the movie chosen (Blazing Saddles, one of Eddie's favorites) was just what we needed. 

Om nom nom!!

Happy Birthday Eddie!!

Looking at the poor video I shot of the surprise

That same week we had a Thursday football game, which hasn't happened in awhile, and for good reason! I say that because the parking on campus was awkward and awful, and after classes and studying all day, it's hard to get excited and pumped for football! I'm sure some will not agree with me, but football is NOT life for me. Mary and I left pretty early (especially since I had an 8 am the next day). It was hard not to notice the weird atmosphere within the student section. All in all, definitely was not my favorite game. 

Student section was tired

That next week was exciting for me: it was the first week I was going to be in a middle school classroom! I was extremely nervous and excited...but it all has turned out so well. My mentor teacher, the teacher I will observe and work with all semester, is wonderful at his job. He loves the kids, and they love him too. The kids themselves are also great - they are much different than how I remember middle school, but they have those same, quirky personalities that I love. It has been a change - going to school every Tuesday and Thursday, observing and even teaching some, but I have learned a lot. 

Do I look like a teacher yet?

It's been a little intimidating for me because I have been very timid and unsure of myself within the classroom. I am not sure what the school expectations are, and how discipline works, which is probably my biggest struggle. I want to make sure I draw a line between me and the students, where I am seen as an adult (which is hard when I don't even feel like an adult sometimes). I'm really struggling getting out of this mentality, but it will take time. With the more experience I get in the classroom, and the more I learn in my classes, I have no doubt these thoughts will diminish. All I ask is that y'all pray for me and the kiddos!

How about now?

That week was also a little stressful because the next weekend was the big one: Raider Awakening #55. This retreat, I was on table staff, which means I am one of the small-group leaders for the retreaters. This was exceptionally rewarding, being right there with the retreaters and helping them absorb information, share stories, and grow in their faith. I had an amazing partner for the entire weekend, and I couldn't be more thankful for the friendships that were made!

My wonderful little group!

Evan, my BPE (Best Partner Ever)

Raider Awakening was also special because this retreat I was giving a talk. At Raider Awakening, there are specific topics that certain people give testimonies and lessons about, and at #55, I was one of them. 


Being a speaker definitely will go down in my book as one of the most intense, amazing experiences of my life. I was insanely nervous to speak in front of 200+ people, but up there, sharing my story and lesson... it was incredible. I truly felt like a vessel for the Lord, and I am so thankful the Holy Spirit was with my friends who supported me, my parents who traveled to see me, and myself, to give me the words God wanted the retreaters to hear. I will never forget the love I felt for everyone. It was truly a humbling experience.

Crew (Nikki, Mary, Martin)

Thank you <3

I love Raider Awakening! It has really shaped my college experience in the best way, and I don't think I can ever write enough how much I love the retreat and people involved in it. Thanks be to God. 
I love RA!!!

Shortly after RA, we were in Homecoming week for Texas Tech. But, more importantly, we were celebrating a certain someone turning 20! That's right - Luke Henderson finally overcame teenhood. We went out for pancakes after he drummed in the Homecoming parade (just brushing midnight), and honestly had a really great time. I love this guy because every time we hang out I walk away smiling! Happy Birthday, honey!

The next day was our Homecoming game. I don't even want to talk about the actual football game (because that was a disaster), but instead I'll talk about the wonderful company. Mary and Nikki hung out with me in the first quarter, and then joined their parents after. We took some pretty cute pictures, though. 


I also hung out with a lot of people from Raider Awakening, including my fellow speakers. We paid more attention to each other than the actual game, but like I said, we're not talking about the game.

It's lit

After the game, Luke's mom and grandmother (yes, they came to see him!), took us all out to Chipotle for a late lunch/early dinner. Delicious food and wonderful conversation. We then went to Sheridan's for frozen custard, which was a perfect sweet topping to a wonderful birthday meal. Luke insisted that we take his family up to the parking garage across the is 11 floors high and overlooks Lubbock in the best way. It was a great ending to a wonderful day, and everyone enjoyed the views. 

Lubbock is wide and bright!

I think Luke had a really great birthday weekend. A great toast to the end of an era, and beginning a new decade. Happy birthday, you oldie. 
You're so old

Oh, did I forget to mention that on top of my school work, social life, teacher organization, classroom visits, and raider awakening that this crazy girl got a job? Okay, before you start throwing things, hear me out. It's with the Honors College, isn't a lot of work, and ya girl gets paid. I'll tell you what, living on my own and spending money has really helped me learn the lesson that money is pretty necessary. Watching my summer savings just dwindle has really been painful...especially since I eventually want to study abroad, or buy a class ring. Besides, being at work actually gives me time to study, and it helps me stay focused since I'm in a professional setting. In all honesty, I got very, very lucky with this job. I'm so thankful for it! 
I'm so fancy~

Other than that, life has just been speeding by. I've been teaching at middle school occasionally during my field days, been staying up to study at night, and staying active in as many organizations as my little planner can fit! It's getting a little crammed lately, and I've only had a couple of moments of defeat, but otherwise, it's been great. I've been trying to maintain my peace in the midst of the chaos of school, four organizations, work, and sanity...and while it's been a bumpy ride sometimes, it's still good. It's been a very fulfilling semester. It's crazy and tough and hard, but as long as I know that I'm safe in the calm of the storm, I'll be okay. And that's all I need to know to wake up every day.
As always, I thank you for stopping by and reading some about my life. Have a great week! 


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