Chapter Ninety-Nine: The Flurry that is February

Is it just me, or are the days just speeding by? I'd like to blame this on the fact that February is the shortest month. This isn't valid nor fair to the poor month, but it's worth a shot.
Life has been exciting in all the right ways. On February 10, we celebrated Ash Wednesday, which begins the season of lent. After a long day of classes, we headed to Mass and got our ashes and encouragement for the upcoming season. We, of course, had to take our obligatory selfie.


That following Friday, we had a special, secret event. Due to the amazing organization skills of Katelyn and many others, we all surprised Bailey for her 20 1/2 birthday!! 


Bailey will be on her 11-month long mission trip during her actual birthday in August, so an in-between celebration seems appropriate. (Read about her upcoming mission trip here!) It was so fun to surprise her and celebrate such a wonderful person. Happy Half-Birthday, Bailey! 

Birthday wishes feat. fun people and awesome cake

That weekend was also Valentine's Weekend. Luke and I of course spent some time together, but the peak of the weekend was actually Valentine's Day, when a huge group of friends went and saw Deadpool. This was my first R-Rated movie to see in theaters, but it was a great film. Honest. Great as in the sense of it made me laugh a lot. Not great morally. 

Sergio...essential picture after the film

I did not leave V-Day empty-handed. Luke surprised me with a flower on Friday night, took me on a date to Chipotle Saturday, and even gave me chocolate. Wonderfully spoiled on a college budget.

Typical College Romance

My assignment for Fieldcraft was to spot and identify five birds. I have learned that I am quite the noob when it comes to bird-watching...but practice makes perfect! It was pretty fun to wander around with binoculars and a fieldguide...Of course, it's all fun and games until the cops suspect you for being a peeping tom (which actually happened to a classmate!). 

Mourning Dove

House Finch

During class on Tuesday, we visited a cemetery. Okay, I know that sounds creepy, but it's really for a good cause. Cemeteries actually have a lot of old trees, which birds love, making this a great bird-watching area. 

Through the Binocular Lens

Small Lake Near Cemetery

Trail We Blaze

The objective of the class was to learn how to sketch a bird. I don't really think of myself as the greatest artist, but I've been surprising myself lately. Besides, look how hard we are concentrating!

Bird feat. students

My assignment for the week was to draw more birds. Excitedly, I tried out the watercolor pencils for the first time, and really enjoyed how my birds turned out! Maybe I should drop out and just paint all the time.

Red-Winged Blackbird

House Finch

After a flurry of tests, Mary, Nikki, and I celebrated Esther's birthday Friday night alongside other friends. A not-so-quiet evening with pasta and bread sticks is always a great way to celebrate anything. We had fun socializing and eating great food. Happy Birthday, Esther! I hope it was great. 

She shared dessert, too. <3

There's my last couple of weeks in a nutshell! The semester is going great so far, and we are only a third of the way through. As always, thanks for reading! 


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