Chapter One-Hundred-and-Six: Nerd Alert

It's hard to believe, but on May 30th, Luke and I officially had been together for two years. Honestly, I'm very impressed. Two years isn't super long, but we've gone through a lot together! We endured long-distance as well as becoming familiar with the aspect of living within walking distance. We've both celebrated with each other for prom, high school graduation, and starting college for the first time; however, we've also both been support through the bad, whether it's losing a pet or failing a test. Sometimes there would be a huge void in between us, and other times we would feel closer than ever.

Prom 2015

Like I said, we've been through a lot, and we're happy! So, we celebrated that!
Luke and I met at the Perot Museum in Dallas on a cloudy, late morning. I know it's hard to tell, but deep down we are both nerds. Especially Luke. But don't tell him I said that. ;)
Anyway, for those who are not versed in the Dallas area or Perot Museum in general, this is the ultimate interactive science experience (probably). Regardless, Luke and I had been wanting to go to Perot for, like, over a year, so we made it our anniversary date.

Professional Photo of Perot Museum I definitely did not take

The museum has multiple floor with specific themes ranging from the ever-expanding universe to the atoms that make up everything around us. As a future science teacher, I was in heaven. Luke was highly interested too, alongside the hundreds of school children that were also at the museum. Maneuvering around the children made the experience that much more adventurous, but we both had fun regardless! 

Water molecules

Hello Dinosaurs!

Wood chips that would move to generate a black-and-white pixel image of what the camera captured (This is Luke on the right and me on the left)

In the middle of our museum experience we decided to walk to a nearby park that Luke's mom recommended to us for lunch. The park is unique in that it actually stretches over a highway, bringing a little bit of peace in a bustling city like Dallas. Luke and I ordered food from a food truck and enjoyed a nice lunch with each other. 


After finishing up our lunch we decided to lie in the super green grass like a couple of hippies and hang out awhile. I insisted on taking a selfie because I knew the lighting was perfect. Luke just laughed at me and joked about my obsession with photographs (which is totally true).

We headed back to the museum to finish up the last couple of floors. I think we spent the most time on the last floor, because it was all about humans! One side was about the human body (which I love) and the other side was about the innovations and advances humans have made and achieved (which Luke loves). This involved an infrared camera, prosthetics, and even shooting ping pong balls with brain waves! 

Hot couple

Luke producing alpha waves in a relaxed state

The Perot Museum provided a unique date that gave Luke and I the opportunity to explore and learn together. He taught me a couple of tactics when we created a code to move a mechanical robot, and I presented a few pointers when we watched a short film about the planets and moons in our Solar System. It's very cool, as nerds, that we can share this love of learning with each other. 

Nerd Alert!

Two years later we are closer than before, but we have so much to learn about each other, too! That's the beauty of a relationship. We are also both very young, and in the midst of understanding ourselves...this makes understanding each other sometimes challenging. But, at the end of the day, Luke is my best friend. During the past year, we've experienced Christ like never before, which has brought us closer and has given us a clearer perspective of each other and life as a whole. I'm forever grateful I can share these experiences with an incredible man of God, and can't wait to see what the future holds for us.


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