Chapter Ninety-One: Catchin' Up

Phew! It feels good to sit down in front of my computer to blog again. Sheesh, I am glad midterms are over but golly gosh our third exams and finals are coming up too quick!! I'm so glad Thanksgiving is almost here though...I need to see my family and pet my dog!
So, let's dive right in!
Where I last left off, Mary and I were headed out to Levelland, TX to staff Raider Awakening 53. This was special for us because

  1. It was our first time staffing and
  2. We knew a couple of the retreaters (Luke and Kathleen to name a couple!)
That weekend was amazing for retreaters and staffers alike. Of course I cannot share too many details so I don't spoil it for future retreaters (I'm looking at you, Bailey, Nikki, Martin...) but it was incredible. New friendships were started and old were rekindled. I really feel like this retreat also made Luke and I even closer as a couple, and I am just so blessed that I retreated last year! God Bless Raider Awakening!

Mary and I looking swag-tastic

Awesome People

Most of my Staff

RA 53 Community! So much love!!

The very next weekend was Halloween. This is always an exciting time. Unfortunately we did not decorate our door as much as last year (our intense decorations last year got us disqualified from the door decorating contest anyway); however, we did have adorable stickers thanks to Bailey's Aunt, which really made it easy on us and definitely cute all-around. Besides, our CA also was sweet enough to each give us personalized Halloween decorations, too! 
Enough about the door...On Friday (the day before Halloween), Mary, Nikki, Kathleen, Luke, and I all decided to go to the Halloween Dance/Costume Contest the Knights of Columbus were throwing at St. Elizabeth's. It was soo fun seeing everyone's creative costumes and awesome dance moves. Kathleen even showed us a thing or two about two-stepping! 

Nikki went as a Christmas Tree and found some friends

Mickey and Minnie Mouse


Mary the Cat and Kathleen the Lion

**Thanks to Brittany Pauly for the awesome Halloween Photos! Check out her work here!**

Halloween was pretty fun and safe! Here's to another great Halloween...until next time! 


The next couple of weeks weren't nearly as fun or happy for me. After a pretty bad Tuesday, I decided to call my mom to get a long-distance hug. Turns out she had a pretty bad day, too. Not only that, but she had to break the news to me that my precious guinea pig, Bummie, had passed away. 
I've loved Guinea Pigs for a very long time (since I was, like, 7) and each time I lose one the pain is just as raw. I just wish I could have been there for him, but I was blessed enough that my parents, when I had gone away to college, took the time to take care of him for me. Bummie was a special pig that I picked up from a classmate some time ago...I'll never forget picking him up with my best friend and her holding him as I carefully drove home. It was all kind of last-minute, but I loved him all the same. He was the best guinea pig beard, and I know it's going to be hard to see that empty space in my room when I return home. 

Bummie, on the left

Guinea Pig Beard King

That week, my frog, Tiny Tim, also was not doing well. He wasn't as energetic or responsive as he was in the past. Unfortunately, he did not make the week, and as soon as I had gotten used to his presence in my room, he was gone. I'll miss my aquatic study-buddy. 

Crazy Tiny Tim

Close-up Tiny Tim

Needless to say, my week was pretty rough emotionally. It is also around this time that I become incredibly homesick, which I think was worse in light of recent events here as well as back home. Academically, I was becoming distressed over my Plants class. Our professor left for research, so we were given a new professor, who came with different teaching styles and expectations. This isn't bad or anything, but it's change and it took me longer to adjust to him than normal, which caused some of my weekly quiz-grades to suffer. Not to mention this time of year is when all the papers, presentations, and last bit of exams are due (I have three exams and two presentations due this week alone). I'm not typing this out to make you feel sorry for me, but GOLLY GOSH it has been a little tense over here on my end! I'm so ready to be home with my family, eat some good food, and relax a little. 

Sometimes, change is good.
Last week I decided to make a change and cut my hair. As you know (or may not know, I don't know) my hair was nearly to my hips. I had been growing my hair out for awhile (in preparation to be Rapunzel for my senior prom). After 3 years of long hair, it was time to cut it off. 

Curls and Things

I really, really love my new haircut! 
Also, we were given the theme for RA 54 (Faithfully Renewed) and I am just so excited for the upcoming Raider Awakening! I'm also excited to go home. Soon, people! Keep pushing forward! 
Until next time, friends.


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