Chapter Forty-Eight: Apples to Apples

Like I said in my last post, this weekend was busy...but a ton of fun! 
Saturday was a pretty full day. Mary and I woke up the earliest we had ever woken up since we got to college...7:30 AM. Eeek! We decided to volunteer with Women of Faith in the morning, so we had to wake up pretty "early." All four of us (Two leaders + Mary + Me) worked over at Cabela's, for Ladies' Day Out. Basically we greeted customers as they approached the store to hand them a free bag of goodies and advertise for the Cabela's Club Card. 


We couldn't stay too long because we are busy college we were not given a lot of information about the event so we didn't even know how long to stay. After 2 solid hours of work, we headed back home. 

Looking cute at our volunteer service!

After Bailey returned from her hometown, we headed off to Idalou, TX to visit the Apple Orchard! Guys, if you don't know anything about me, know this: I. LOVE. APPLES. 
Apples are my favorite fruit. Seriously. I love red apples, gold apples, green apples, apple sauce, apple juice, apple butter (just tried it and, of course, love it!), apple pie, apple turnovers, apple cobbler....I could go on, but I think you get the picture. 

Apple Country...The Country...of Apples....

We walk in and there a lot more people there than I thought there would be. People had set up tents to sell their crafts, there was a couple of food stands, fresh apple turnovers, an apple gift shop...It was just a orchard full of busy, busy bees! Bailey, Mary, and I grabbed a bag and headed off into the forest of apple trees. 

Apples! Lots of them!

Lookin' cute!

Apples, right on the tree!

...And the Apples accepted me as one of their own.

We had to really go deep into the orchard to find a branch low enough for us to pick from. It was obvious that a lot of people had already passed through...But finding the apples was half the fun! We eventually gained the confidence to really reach for the apples at the top...and those were always the sweetest! 


Surrounded by Apples

What a cutie! Oh, and Bailey looks cute, too. ;)

We zipped up and down the rows, slowly adding to our stash of apples. We tried a few, too. The goldish-green ones (Golden Delicious) were surprisingly really good for their small size! We grabbed a lot of those (and I had one today as a snack!). The red ones (unknown species) were a hit or miss with us. Either they were incredibly bitter or amazingly sweet. We didn't grab a lot of red apples. 

Gracefully dodging tree branches since 1996.

We spent a couple of hours there and left right around 5:00 PM. We didn't just buy apples, either. Bailey grabbed some Apple Butter (delish!), Mary got a half-gallon of Apple Cider, and I got a cute homemade scrabble art piece. 

"Love You More"

I think this is, as Bailey says, so stinkin' cute! I put it in the window sill beside my bed, so I can always see it when I face the sun. :) 
I also got a little gift for Luke. But I can't tell you, because his birthday isn't here yet! I can't wait for his birthday (I'm sure he's a little excited, too). 
We plan on returning in April when the apples trees are blossoming for spring. I can't wait! I love apples, but I definitely love flowers, too. 

We had so much fun! To me, the feeling of picking my own apple off a tree is so satisfying. Like, yeah, I didn't plant the tree, tend the tree, or anything like that...but I picked that apple and that's!
We can't wait to return...until next time, Apple Orchard. 

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