Chapter Eighty: Words, Words, Words - Why I Changed My Blog Title

If you're reading this, then you've stepped foot into my changed blog. I've had this blog running for a little over a year now, and I've changed things here and there; however, today I made a big change. I changed the title of my blog.
The title of my blog used to be "Sarah and the Misadventures of Life," which was displayed in big, curvy letters at the top of the page. It's the first thing someone should see, besides the Tangled-inspired backdrop. That title was glued onto this blog for so why change?
Well, first of all, when you type "Misadventure" into Google, this is what comes up:

The definition pops up, obviously. But this definition is the very reason why I knew I had to change the first thing people see when they decide to look at this blog. When I think of life, I don't think of it as "unfortunate" or a "mishap" Life is a blessing. A wonderful gift. Something to be treasured. 
Life is an opportunity. So, why call my life a "misadventure" when it's really just the opposite?
This may seem a bit trivial to blog about, but I think it's really important to broadcast that life isn't a "mishap." Life is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing adventure. 
I like the word adventure because it has depth. When you think of the word "blue," it's just a color. Sure, it can be thought about on a much deeper level and brings about all sorts of connotations, but, on the surface, it's just a color. When the word "adventure" is brought up, a flurry of images and feelings are associated with it. Hazy Mountains, Roaring Oceans, Dusty Plains...Beautiful, Colorful, Layered. 
What pops up when we Google "Adventure"?

Among the words "unusual" and "exciting" is the word "hazardous." True, life is exciting. So, is life hazardous as well?
When we think of "adventure," do we think of cuts and bruises? Broken bones, broken hearts? While it isn't the first thing we associate with the word, it's in the definition. These aspects are within this layered word. 
And I love that.
When we are given the gift of life, it's no easy burden. Yes, it's full of laughter and love, but it also carries the weight of hurt and pain. Life is not easy. Life is difficult. 
This difficulty, my friends, is what makes life an adventure. This hardship and complexity makes life...beautiful. 

My most recent adventure was seeing Bailey, my roommate, for the first time in a little over a month. We've missed each other a bunch, so seeing each other was both refreshing and wholesome. We chatted for over an hour, because text messaging and Facebook statuses just can't cover it all. 

My Starbucks Date

We later met up with her family that was staying in town with her for the weekend, and all went out to dinner together. It was so nice meeting everyone, especially over good food! At the end of the day, Bailey and I hugged each other and simply said, "See you later," because in less than a month, we'll be living together once again (Yay!).

A couple of days later, Mom, Dad, and I took a trip to the Aquarium. I love animals, so visiting a zoo or aquarium or pet store is always a dream come true. We all had a great time, and I hope the animals enjoyed looking at us, too! 

"Just smile and wave, boys."

"Part of Your World...."


Kisses for Daddy!

My family and I had quite the adventure at the Aquarium! We are so blessed that we have the opportunity to spend time with one another in special ways. 

We all have a story at the end of the day, whether it's "I went to the aquarium," or "I watched Netflix," or "I worked." These stories add on, chapter by chapter, and make up what we call Life. In conclusion, I didn't change my Blog title because I was bored with the title or anything like that...I just always want to make an effort to say that life is one grand, beautiful adventure...and should always be treasured, not downplayed. 

Thanks for taking the time to read. Tell me about your adventure below...


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