Chapter Sixty-Eight: Spring Time?

Happy March! Oh my word, I can't believe it's March already. If you can't tell from my lack of blog posts, this semester is flying by so quickly! (That "Springing Ahead" thing where we lose an hour makes the feeling even worse...especially in the morning! Arrgh.)
Do not fret, however! I am staying busy, but in the best way. School is keeping me working, but we all find time to have fun.

In the end of February, we had a nice snowfall. It was cool in the fact that, well, it was snow. But it wasn't cool with the fact that my university still has yet to cancel classes at a time that truly affects me. I know I'm not the only one who feels so bitter towards the weather...but we can all come together and say, "At least it's pretty."

Mary's footprints

Almost perfect snow


Just kidding, it's just super-powdery snow

Mary, Allison, Sarah, Me, Kimberly, and Kelsey...all proud mothers of Jeffy, our snow baby!

We played outside for a little bit, but shivering gets old really fast. Luckily, Lubbock thinks the same way, because the snow didn't stick around for much longer. It was all melted before we could even say goodbye. 
The weekend was spent working. Bailey was working on a video project (all of us pitched in and helped her out on that one), and I was preparing for an upcoming informative speech. We could choose our own topics, so I chose the one thing I truly love: Walt Disney World. 
My parents took me to Disney World this past summer as a graduation gift, and I think it only made my obsession with the park (and company, in general) grow even more. But I'm not complaining! I've learned a lot about the park and Walt Disney due to this, so I don't regret it at all.
My only problem with the speech topic was that I had the potential to go over on time (5 minutes max). I could talk about Walt Disney all day, how was I supposed to even scratch the surface with 5 minutes? 

The drawing board looks a little....crowded

I decided to just strictly talk about Walt Disney World...the beginning, the accomplishments, and the expansion. Overall it was a pretty well organized speech, but I definitely have some things to work on. 

"Steamboat Willie" 1928. 
"I just hope we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse," Walt Disney

Last Friday was the first Friday of the month, which meant that the local Art Gallery (LHUCA) was presenting the First Friday Art Trail. Mary and I had already gone on one before (See Chapter Fifty-Five), but we really wanted Jenny and Bailey to come along, too. Besides, it's a nice way to get out and spend some time together. Most of the art displayed this time around was by local was so precious and sometimes very humbling. We all really enjoyed ourselves! 

Taken by Spotted...See the whole Slideshow Here

After indulging in the richness of art, we decided to indulge in something a little more sweet. We all headed to Dairy Queen and picked up some dessert. Jenny and I aren't blessed enough to have a Dairy Queen at home, so this was quite the treat! 

We are so fun

On Sunday, Mary, Bailey, and I decided to take advantage of some coupons and headed over to Blue Oasis. I've never been to Blue Oasis, let alone tried Italian Ice, so this was a whole new experience for me. It was super cheap, too! 

Passion Fruit (Me), Coconut Cream/Cake Batter (Bailey), and Black Cherry with Chocolate Chips (Mary...who inhaled it before this picture!)

The thing that I really liked about this place was that you could draw on the tables. Markers were provided at every seating place, and we definitely drew to our hearts' content. It made for some nice conversations and channeled my inner Piccasso...sort of. We definitely want to come back!

Our table

Bailey's Beautiful Art

My Princess Art

Mary's Majestic Art (Feat. Baymax)

It was a little sad to leave our art behind, but we can always come back and create something new. 
Other than that, this week has been pretty uneventful. We are all aching to go on Spring Break, but we have to complete our midterms, first! 
In other news, Luke, my handsome boyfriend, has been spending his Spring Break at the one and only Walt Disney World!!! As you know, this is truly my happy place (See Chapters Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, and Twenty-Five to see my adventure there!), so seeing my boyfriend have fun over there is....EXTREMELY AWESOME! It's just so fun for him to call me and tell me about this or that and be nearly as excited as I am! 


Other than that, there's not much else to say. I can't wait to return home and see friends and family again, as I'm sure many other homesick college kids are saying. There is nothing better than Mama's cooking and Dad hugs. 
Have a great spring break!!

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