Chapter Twenty-Four: Day Six

Day Six

Today was a little different - Remember my Great Aunt, Aunt, and Uncle we visited on the way to Lake Buena Vista, FL? Well, Mom decided she wanted to visit them again. So, today, Dad and I had some Father-Daughter bonding. 

However, before we could begin our journey into Magic Kingdom again, the hotel asked for our presence to advertise their Time Share program. Of course we weren't interested at all, but they gave us a free gift for going, so we decided to push through. (they gave is free breakfast, too!)

Anyway, Dad and I made it out to the park around noon (our shuttle bus was 40 minutes late picking us up, boooooo), which was just in time for our first ride together: Space Mountain. Completely in the dark, this coaster gives riders the sensation of traveling through space. 

Space Mountain

After this, we rode Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Set in Frontierland, this train makes crazy turns and stops in the Arizona inspired scenery. 

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Our last ride of the day was Splash Mountain. This surprisingly long ride takes the riders in a mild turbulent river featuring old Disney characters from Song of the South, leading riders about 3 stories high to drop the riders down a steep, wet fall. We got pretty wet!

Splash Mountain

After this, we came back to the hotel and met up with Mom, where we later went out to eat for dinner. 
Dad and I had plenty of fun, and it was nice to meet up in the evening and show Mom all the pictures I took. 
It was, yet again, a great day. 


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