Chapter Seventeen: The End is Coming
Tomorrow is the last day.
Oh nooooo
No, no. Not the last last day. It's just the last day of high school.
Thirteen years. I've spent thirteen long, grueling, challenging years in school. I've spent thirteen fun, exciting, adventurous, amazing, life-changing years in school. So much has happened in thirteen years, and we are just about to be released into "the real world."
In Kindergarten, we were exposed to school for the first time. We learned how to learn. We learned how to make friends. How to behave. Some of us were good at it...some of us struggled.
In the First Grade, I had my first kiss. Nick. I had a "crush" on him and finally planted a kiss during recess in the field behind our school. No one believes me, but he kissed me back. I will never forget the butterflies that tickled my insides when I felt his shy peck on my blushing cheek.
In the Second Grade, I wanted to be like my best friend, so I told my mom I needed glasses. I completely lied on my exam, but received glasses, anyway. I unfortunately chewed on them more than I wore them.
In Third Grade, I had to leave my school and my best friend behind when I moved a couple streets away. This was the first year behavior was an issue. I began cursing because it was cool, and I stole from my teacher. This was the first and the last time I had ever stolen anything. I will never forget how ashamed and guilty I felt when I had to admit to my mistake.
In the Fourth Grade, I made even more friends. It was one of the only years I felt like an underdog. I was talked about, cast out, and I even remember someone cheating off of me. This was the year I began to do something I still love: write. It was my sweet escape, and I, to this day, have never stopped writing.
Fifth Grade was a year of growing up. I learned who my friends were, and loved them regardless of their weird quirks...that's what made them interesting! I was on the broadcasting team. I skipped school to go to my cousin's wedding and felt like I was the coolest kid ever. I was one of the first to get acne, and that was not. cool.
Sixth Grade was exciting...first of three years of middle school! This was the year I truly connected with my very best friend, Kimberly. I enjoyed the new school, new people, and the new choices I had to make. I did not like all the acne...
Seventh Grade was a blur of lessons learned about change, anger, and acceptance. Both my choir and karate teacher were replaced; an experience in which I had to learn how to deal with change. This was also the year I first introduced to the Roman Catholic faith, through a retreat Kimberly was nice enough to invite me to.
Eighth Grade was one of my best years. I gained so much confidence, I didn't have to wear a sweater everywhere I went. I began to feel comfortable with my body. Eighth grade was when I felt free and had fun and really enjoyed myself...
Eighth Grade dance with Kimberly. :)
Then, high school.
I was so nervous. The first week of being a freshman was hard...I cried everyday when I came home, because I was so overwhelmed by the idea of high school. It was so big! There are so many people! There are students with. beards.
But, like everyone says, high school is one of the most memorable times of our lives. And it was.
In Ninth Grade, I met so many great people. I met my best friend, Victoria, in our speech class, because she was the only other person who looked like she cared. I ate with seniors at lunch because none of my other friends had the same lunch period. I stayed at school later than ever before because I was involved in so much. I learned about dedication.
As a Sophomore, I took my first AP class (World History) and really learned how to study and take notes. I fell in love. I was fully initiated into the Catholic church and was Baptized, Confirmed, and received the Holy Eucharist. I learned how to be a leader.
Junior year was my hardest year, academically. I had never cried so hard. I had never stressed so much. I had never really thought of what I was going to make of my life until my junior year. I found a mentor, a pharmacist. I looked at colleges. I set a lifetime goal.
And now...Senior year.
Senior Breakfast - April 2014
It's kind of crazy to think that I've spent thirteen years in school, and tomorrow is just...the end. Because after tomorrow, all that is left for my graduating class is graduation itself.
Ever since yearbooks were given out (last week), students have been scrambling all over shoving yearbooks in other students' faces: "Will you sign my yearbook??"
I've never been big on yearbooks. I only have about four out of the thirteen years I've been in school. I'm not sure why, but staring at people's faces has never been very exciting. But this year is different. Because when I flip through the pages of my yearbook, I'm staring at faces I may never see again.
I wish to encourage you all, especially seniors, to go ahead and buy a yearbook or make your own, and have your friends sign it. Give yourself something to remember those who surround you day after day. We have spent so much time with each other, and it's hard for me to believe that our time together is quickly fleeting.
School has been fun and all, and I'm sad to see you go. But please know that life keeps going no matter what. We will do great things. I just know it.
"I did it all.
I owned every second
That this world could give
I saw so many places
The things that I did
Yeah, with every broken bone,
I swear I lived."
I Lived - OneRepublic...Senior Class Song, 2014
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