Chapter Nineteen: Day One

Day One:

Surprise! My family and I are currently on vacation! Well, sort of. We haven't made it to our destination yet, but you won't know where it is we are going until we get there!

Yesterday (June 13) we left Dallas around 6:30 AM. No, we didn't wake up insanely early for a flight. We woke up insanely early to hit the road. (Road trip!) Road trips for my family mean lots of packed bags, loud music, and learning how to fold maps. 

Texas is a pretty big state, if I do say so myself. We traveled for a good, long while in East Texas on Interstate-20. However, we spent the majority of our time in Louisiana. 

Guns up in Louisiana!

Mom and Dad in Louisiana!

The first notable thing about the state (and Southeast America in general) is the lush, green environment. The live grass to dead grass ratio is very different in Louisiana compared to Texas. This was really different to see, especially after being so used to the desert conditions we see when traveling West. We visited the Visitor Center (see pictures above) to pick up a couple of maps, and decided to ask how to pronounce the state's name.
Is it "Loo-wee-zee-an-uh" or "Loo-zee-an-uh"?
They said it didn't matter. 
One of the benefits of my age is that I can drive - so we can all switch around drivers and take breaks. (driving is hard work!) so I drove for 2 and a half hours after lunch. It was nice, I drove through Baton Rouge, and even crossed the Mississippi River (ironically in Louisiana). 

Mississippi River. I wish I could say I took this picture.

Unfortunately, I also drove through the worst traffic. 
Like bad traffic. 
Like, worse than my high school parking lot traffic. 
Like, bumper-to-bumper, completely stopped on the Interstate traffic. 
Luckily, we made it out in one piece, but my white girl senses were tingling and I needed some Starbucks. Since I was driving and in control, I took the nearest exit and found myself a Starbucks in Covington, LA. 

White Girl Level 99

After being satisfied with a grande java chip frappe, we were on the road again. Soon, we crossed the state border into Mississippi. We stopped at the Visitor Center (which was closed), but got a good picture!

Guns up in Mississippi!

Mom and Dad in Mississippi!

However, we weren't in Mississippi long. We, shortly after crossing into Mississippi, crossed into Sweet Home Alabama. 
(No picture because the Visitor Center was closed! Boooo)
It was getting pretty late, so we decided to get a room in Daphne, Alabama. 
Luckily, we got a hotel right next to "Gator Alley" where hungry tourists could stand over the murky water and stare at the dangerous animal at a safe distance. No one told us, however, that the alligators in Alabama are apparently invisible. And really quiet. 
So, naturally, we didn't take any pictures. 
All in all, it was an exciting and successful day for the family. We traveled about 670 miles! That's pretty good!!


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