Chapter Twenty: Day Two

Day Two

We woke up early in the morning to find that the free breakfast was not served in our hotel until 7 AM. Which, unfortunately, was about an hour and a half away. And we couldn't afford the time. 
So, we found ourselves on the road and decided to just snack until we can have an early lunch. We crossed over the Florida border pretty soon after leaving the hotel, and, I swear, the interstate road instantly improved over the border. I think Florida has a lot more moola to spread around than Alabama. 

Family photo in Florida!

Anyway, there was basically no one out and about for a long while, so it was really nice to drive on the open road. It was interesting to see that the further East we went, the more lush and tropical the environment became. There are so many more trees here than I expected. And it's not a forest of Palm trees, either! 
We stopped for lunch, and kept trucking on. Everything was fine until the rain. 
First it was sprinkles, but eventually buckets were being dumped on us as we traveled down the interstate. Gallons upon gallons blinded our windshield. 

Rain, rain, go away...

It was so scary. The thunder rumbled and shook the car as the lightning lit up the sky. It was like we were in a tropical storm!
We made it through, and arrived to our first destination: My Great Aunt's house. 
Well, imagine a cute little old lady who is 4'10". She's so, so sweet, and I hadn't seen her since 2003! I was 7! So when I hugged her, it was super weird because now I was the taller one! 
Anyway, my aunt and uncle live in the same complex as my Great Aunt, so we got to say hello to them, too. It was great to catch up for 2 and a half hours.
We left and, due to the weather and us running a little behind, made it to our hotel near midnight. We were very tired and fell asleep relatively quickly. 
Tomorrow is the day. The day where you (and I) find out where in fact we are going to be! 


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