Chapter Twenty-Seven: Utilizing Summer

I know I'm not the only one who is excited it's finally summer. We've all worked so hard in school; these three month breaks are totally well-deserved!

Relaxing in the summer sun...

However, as much fun as summer leisure is, it doesn't ever last long. It's nearly the end of June! And for a lot of us, we are all pretty busy. For example, I just got back into town from my Orientation. Orientation for every school is unique, but all usually have the same agenda. Initiation. Learning about the school, traditions, rules and regulations, benefits of choosing one school vs. another, and (best of all) registering for classes. Orientation for my school was two days of tightly packed information and fun. My head was swirling with new information mid-afternoon on the first day. 

Me going through all the paperwork I was given

Orientation was also great because my roommate and I finally got to meet each other in real life (We've been interacting via social media like crazy). 


My roommate has an amazing personality, great academic background, and great morals. We are so excited to room together in the fall! (You'll probably hear a lot more about her when school starts)
Not only did I meet my roommate, but I also met one of my suite-mates


"Suite-mate?" You wonder. Yes, you see, I am lucky enough to had been admitted into the Honors College, (Yay!) which comes with many benefits such as Suite-Housing. I won't be living in the lap of luxury, but I do get to share a bathroom with only one other person in comparison to the entire floor. 

My dorm layout

So it's official! I have my I.D., I'm registered for my classes (16 hours this upcoming semester!), and I have a bunch of free T-shirts of my college. I'm officially a freshman again! 
Now, the whole reason I bring up the whole summer thing is because summer isn't as long as we think it is. So, my advice for a lot of you is to take advantage of the time you do have left. If you're leaving town like me, take advantage of the time you have left and spend it with friends and family you won't be seeing for awhile. If you want to get a head start on the whole college thing, try and take a summer class at a community college in your area. (Trust me! It will save you time, money, and headaches!) If you are heading into your Senior year in the fall, visit some colleges and do a little research. The time for applying for school is coming up fast, so it's best to narrow down your list of colleges to avoid emptying your wallet on application fees. (Yes, they charge you to apply to school!) 
Personally, the summer before my senior year was the time I visited the colleges I was interested in. I visited University of the Incarnate Word (San Antonio), University of Houston (Houston), University of Texas (Austin), and Texas Tech University (Lubbock). All of these schools had some sort of Pharmacy program, but all of these schools were unique in some sort of way. 
I was just following advice from many to visit schools. I didn't know what to expect on the campus tours. I didn't know which one I would end up going to. All I knew is that I would have a "gut feeling" about one of them.

Beautiful Campus

So, Seniors, my advice to you is to not be afraid to explore. Ask questions. Get to know a current student. Research. This is your time, so make the most of it! 

Read more about how to spend your summer wisely:



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